First Half 2024 Real Estate Property Taxes Due February 20. View your bill. | See ways to pay.



Request an Autopsy Report

Complete a form to request an autopsy report for a decedent.

Unidentified Persons

Provide information on unidentified persons found in Cuyahoga County.

Parentage Testing and Identification

DNA testing including: paternity, maternity, sibship, grandparents, twin zygosity, DNA ID profiling, Y STR typing, and immigration DNA test.

Organ and Tissue Donation

Explore organizations set up to handle organ and tissue donation.



The Cuyahoga County Medical Examiner's office and the Regional Forensic Science Laboratory offer a number of unpaid internship opportunities through the year in the following areas: DNA, drug chemistry, fingerprints, forensic photography, investigation, toxicology, and trace evidence.

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