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Drug Chemistry

The primary function of the section is the analysis of drugs, including controlled substances, pharmaceuticals and clandestine laboratory samples.

Drug Chemistry Methodologies:

Forensic chemists in the section analyze evidence items and conclusively identify a controlled substance or perform sufficient analysis to determine that no controlled substances are present.

The Drug Chemistry Department uses certain methodologies to complete the analysis.

Drug Chemistry EquipmentPreliminary screenings include:
  • Color tests
  • Tablet Logo Identification

Confirmatory tests include:
  • Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR)
  • Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/MS)
  • Microscopic/Macroscopic identification

Drug Chemistry LabOther methods can be used as needed in the laboratory.

Following analysis, a forensic chemist interprets the instrumental data and prepares a report of his/her findings. This report is used in criminal court proceedings and often the forensic chemist is asked to provide expert testimony to the courts. Forensic chemists may also be called upon to analyze samples for federal agencies operating within Ohio for substances controlled under the Federal Uniform Controlled Substances Act.

Contact Information

Shaena Taylor
Supervisor, Drug Chemistry

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