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Ask Cuyahoga

Ask Cuyahoga is a livestream event that takes a deeper dive into County Initiatives and programs and provides answers to questions from residents. The recording is available on video and podcast.
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Season 4 Episode 1: Ask Cuyahoga – Citizens Academy
Cuyahoga County residents were invited to join this live event to learn about the Medical Examiner's Citizens Academy and how to apply to be a part of the program.
- Medical Examiner's Office External Affairs Manager Christopher B. Harris
- Citizens Academy Graduate and Program Director Mindy Naticchioni
Additional Resources:
- Citizens Academy – Details about the Medical Examiner’s Office program and information about how to apply.
Podcast Episodes Season 3
Cuyahoga County residents were invited to ask questions about their property taxes and tax assistance programs during a live event with the Treasurer and Board of Revision.
- Cuyahoga County Treasurer Brad Cromes
- Board of Revision Administrator Ron O'Leary
Additional Resources:
- Taxpayer Assistance Program – Information and forms to apply for a $10,000 one-time financial assist for property taxes.
- Treasurer’s Office – Tax collection calendar and links to pay property taxes and sign up for EasyPay.
- Board of Revision – Instructions and forms to file a property valuation complaint.
Cuyahoga County residents were invited to submit questions about the Sexennial Property Reappraisal for a live event with the Fiscal Office and Board of Revision.

- Cuyahoga County Fiscal Office Director of Operations Lisa Rocco
- Board of Revision Administrator Ron O'Leary
Additional Resources:
- Cuyahoga County 2024 Sexennial Reappraisal – An overview of the Sexennial Reappraisal process and links to help residents with tax assistance and valuation complaints.
- Board of Revision – Instructions and forms to file a property valuation complaint.
Cuyahoga County residents were invited to submit questions about scams for a live event with the Director of Consumer Affairs.

- Cuyahoga County Director of Consumer Affairs Sheryl Harris
Additional Resources:
- Cuyahoga County Scam Squad – A financial fraud task force in Cuyahoga County that unites nonprofits, social service agencies, and local, state, and federal law enforcement in the fight against scams.
- Protect Yourself from Skimmers – Tips for avoiding scams involving credit or debit cards.
- Sign Up for Ready Notify Alerts – Ready Notify is an emergency notification system. Sign up to receive Scam Squad alerts.
Cuyahoga County residents were invited to submit questions about their property taxes for a live event with the Treasurer.

- Cuyahoga County Treasurer Brad Cromes
Additional Resources:
- Active Military Tax Deferment
- Delinquent Tax Payment Plan information
- EasyPay service for prepayment of property taxes
- Exemption programs for older adults
- MyPlace Property Search
- Ways to Pay your taxes
Podcast Episodes Season 2
What is Cuyahoga County’s role in finding permanent support for children in our care?

- Division of Children and Family Services, Deputy Director, Karen Anderson
- Division of Children and Family Services, Deputy Director, Beverly Torres
- Adoptive Parent, Christine Ivaskovic
Additional Resources:
- Adoption Recruitment Line 216-881-5775
- Adopt US Kids – A national project that supports child welfare systems and connects children in foster care with families.
- Child Welfare Information Gateway – A comprehensive library of information and resources concerning foster care and adoption.
- DCFS Adoption Information Page – Answers to frequently asked questions about adoption in Cuyahoga County as well as Adoptable Kids.
- The Cuyahoga Youth Count – A Report on LGTBQ+ Youth Experience in Foster Care.
- Adoption Network Cleveland – Connects individuals and groups impacted by adoption and foster care.
- Adopt America Network – National adoption charity.
County Executive Chris Ronayne delivered his first State of the County address on June 30, 2023, at Jacobs Pavilion at Nautica. It was hosted by City Club of Cleveland.

Additional Resources:
- The City Club of Cleveland – One of the nation’s great free speech forums.
- 2023 State of the County – Video of the event
- Photo Gallery of the Event
What work is being done to protect Cuyahoga County residents from lead poisoning and promote healthy homes?
- Cuyahoga County Board of Health, Stephanie McConaughey
- Cuyahoga County Office of Early Childhood/Invest in Children, Interim Director, Shawna Rohrman
- City of Cleveland, Lead Senior Strategist, Karen Dettmer
Production note:
Since this podcast was recorded, Karen Dettmer has a new role and will be the Manager of Lead Safe Initiatives in the City of Cleveland Department of Building and Housing.
Additional Resources:
- City of Cleveland Lead Certification – Guidance for property owners and residents to apply for inspections and Lead Certification.
- City of Cleveland Lead Hazard Control Program – Provides lead risk assessments, identifies lead-based paint concerns, and provides grants to control lead hazards.
- Healthy Homes Month – Program led by HUD’s Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes to support and improve the health outcomes of residents.
- Lead Safe Auditor – Monitors the progress and status of the City of Cleveland’s Lead Safe Certification program and other lead poisoning prevention efforts, includes a form to submit feedback to the Lead Safe Advisory Board
- Lead Safe Cleveland Coalition Data Dashboard – Answers to common questions about lead hazards and the City of Cleveland’s Lead Safe Certification program.
- Lead Safe Coalition – Public-private partnership formed to address the issue of lead poisoning in our community.
- Lead Safe Program – Enables eligible low- and moderate-income homeowners and renters in targeted suburban areas outside the City of Cleveland to make changes in their homes to provide a lead safe environment for young children.
- Lead Safe Resource Center – One stop shop for lead poisoning prevention, including community outreach and organizing, resident and rental property owner education, Lead Safe Certification navigation, and lead safe workforce training.
- SPARK – Supporting Partnerships to Assure Ready Kids (SPARK) is a family focused intervention program that helps 3- and 4-year-olds get ready for school by building reading, language, and social skills.
What is Cuyahoga County’s role in helping reentrants reach their goal of becoming restored citizens?
- Cuyahoga County Office of Reentry, Director, Simeon Best
- Case Western Reserve University, Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences, Researcher and Professor, Dr. David Hussey
- Cleveland Peacemaker’s Alliance, Outreach Specialist and Restored Citizen, Vince Evans

Additional Resources:
- Reentry Week 2023 – April 23-29, 2023, Restoring the Returned – a week of events and programs focused on the impact and effect of incarceration on the entire family.
- Cuyahoga County Office of Reentry – Coordinating innovative programs and services that assure quality opportunities for successful reintegration.
- Greater Cleveland Reentry Leadership Coalition – A reentry task force established to guarantee reintegration of formerly incarcerated people, reduce recidivism, and increase public safety.
- Legal Aid Society of Cleveland – Secures justice, equity, and access to opportunity for and with people who have low incomes through legal representation and advocacy for systemic change.
- Cleveland Peacemakers Alliance – Fueling non-violence through community-led prevention, intervention, and restoration services.
- 10 Things I Wish Someone Would’ve Told Me Before I Started Selling Drugs – Short book written by Vince Evans
- Emerging Leaders Training (EL) - A free two-day leadership development and advocacy training program for organizers and activists who are directly impacted by the criminal legal system.
- Second Chance Reentry Clinic – Record sealing, expungement, and other legal services from the Case Western Reserve University School of Law
- Pardon, Clemency, and Reentry Clinic – Legal services and post-conviction relief from the Cleveland State University College of Law
100 Day Check In - Get to know Cuyahoga County Chief of Staff Eric Wobser.

What kind of impact will a return to routine operations for Medicaid have on Cuyahoga County residents?
Cuyahoga County Department of Job and Family Services, Administrator, Kevin Gowan
Center for Community Solutions, President and Executive Director, John Corlett
MetroHealth Medical Center, Social Work Supervisor, Jason McMinn

Additional Resources:
Cuyahoga County Job and Family Services
Information about Medicaid and renewing your benefits.
Ohio Department of Medicaid
Update your contact information and get connected with Care Coordination Resources
The MetroHealth System Health Exchanges and Medicaid Page
MetroHealth’s Financial Assistance Portal.
How is Cuyahoga County responding to residents who are experiencing homelessness?
Cuyahoga County Office of Homeless Services, Director, Melissa Sirak
Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry, Vice President of Housing and Shelter, Michael Sering
Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry Shelter Coordinator, Angelo Anderson

Strategic Action Plan for Homelessness
Cuyahoga County’s action plan for reducing homelessness by 25% by the year 2027.
Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry
LMM creates innovative programs that serve people who are homeless.
YWCA of Cleveland – Norma Herr Women’s Center
A low-barrier emergency shelter for women ages 18-80.
United Way 2-1-1
The United Way Help Center is open 24 hours a day by calling 2-1-1 for resources and information about food, clothing, housing, health care and more.
The Northeast Ohio Coalition for the Homeless (NEOCH)
NEOCH publishes a street card with information on meal sites, housing, counseling, and more.
How is Cuyahoga County preparing to help its residents who are facing the end of emergency allotments for SNAP benefits?
Cuyahoga County Resident, Brittany Robinson
Cuyahoga County Department of Job and Family Services, Administrator, Kevin Gowan
Center for Community Solutions, President and Executive Director, John Corlett
Greater Cleveland Food Bank, Vice President of Client Services, Tiffany Scruggs
Additional Resources:
- Ohio Benefits
The State of Ohio’s web site where residents can manage or apply for food and cash benefits. - Produce Perks
Stretch SNAP dollars in partnership with select Dave’s Supermarkets and local farmers markets. - Greater Cleveland Food Bank
The online “Find Food Near Me” tool provides locations of food pantries, mobile pantries, and hot meal sites. - United Way 2-1-1
The United Way Help Center is open 24 hours a day by calling 2-1-1 for resources and information about food, clothing, housing, health care and more.
The Northeast Ohio Coalition for the Homeless (NEOCH)
NEOCH publishes a street card with information on meal sites, housing, counseling, and more. - Cuyahoga County Press Release – January, 11, 2023
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Emergency Allotments to end beginning in March of 2023.

Season 2 Episode 1: Special - Inauguration
County Executive Chris Ronayne took the Oath of Office at his Ceremonial Inauguration on January 21, 2023. This is his Inaugural Address, delivered at the Student Center Glasscock Ballroom at Cleveland State University.
Cuyahoga County Executive Chris Ronayne
Additional Resources:
Photo Gallery
Podcast Episodes Season 1
In the audio version of his State of the Address, County Executive Armond Budish provides the community with a review of his eight years in office, accomplishments, challenges, and how he worked to lay the foundation for an even more exciting future in northeast Ohio.
Cuyahoga County Executive Armond Budish
Additional Resources:
End of Term Report: A comprehensive report of accomplishments during Executive Budish’s tenure
The County has a haunted history. We gather round the Cuyahoga campfire to hear some spine-tingling stories about eerie visitations.
Cuyahoga County Archivist, Dr. Judith Cetina
Cuyahoga County Medical Examiner’s Office, External Affairs Manager, Christopher Harris
Additional Resources:
Cuyahoga County Archives: A repository for the historical records of Cuyahoga County and for current records requiring temporary maintenance. The department’s goals are to maintain and preserve county records, to offer records management services to county offices and agencies, and to make records available and accessible to county residents.
Robert Russell Rhodes Mansion: Cleveland Historical story about the house at 2905 Franklin Boulevard in Ohio City that housed the Cuyahoga County Archives from 1977-2019.
Cuyahoga County Medical Examiner: Public service agency responsible for the investigation of violent, suspicious, and sudden and unexpected deaths and the provision of laboratory services for Cuyahoga County.
Unidentified Persons: The Cuyahoga County Medical Examiner’s Office is committed to exhausting all efforts to identify every decedent that comes through the door, but when all efforts have been exhausted, the cases are opened to the public to help in identification.
Cuyahoga County Animal Shelter: October is Adopt a Shelter Dog Month, with reduced adoption fees.
Operation Safe Halloween: The Cuyahoga County Sheriff is inviting residents to the 8th annual trunk or treat event on Thursday, October 27, 2022, from 6pm to 8pm at the Justice Center on Lakeside Avenue.
How is Cuyahoga County preparing to help its residents age successfully?
Cuyahoga County DSAS Interim Administrator, Natasha Pietrocola
Cuyahoga County DSAS Executive Officer, Patricia Newell
Additional Resources:
Livable Cuyahoga: A community project that will attempt to identify how we can best support older adults and healthy aging in Cuyahoga County. It’s a five-year process that involves assessment, planning, implementation, and review.
2022 Northeast Ohio Aging and Disability Summit: A gathering for aging network professionals, caregivers, and older adults to learn more about the latest innovations, best practices, and stimulating discussion at Cuyahoga Community College’s Corporate College East Campus on Friday, September 30, 2022.
Options for Independent Living: The program provides assistance to Cuyahoga County qualifying residents over the age of 60, who live in their own home. Services include medical transportation, homemaking, and meal delivery.
Community Social Services Program: A network of Cuyahoga County agencies and community-based service contracts that provide services like adult development, congregate meals and transportation, designed to reduce social isolation and loneliness.
Emergency Rental Assistance: Cuyahoga County has joined with CHN Housing Partners to provide help to residents who are experiencing hardship with rent and other expenses.
What are the hidden values of trees, and how can we grow our tree canopy in Cuyahoga County?
Cuyahoga County Sustainability Director, Mike Foley
Holden Forests & Gardens President and CEO, Jill Koski
Additional Resources:
Holden Forests & Gardens People for Trees: Holden Forests & Gardens’ “People for Trees” initiative asks Northeast Ohioans to make the pledge to plant a tree. Signing up will get you a free tree care toolkit, plus a guide for tree selection based on where you live.
Cuyahoga Tree Symposium: A symposium focused on nature-based solutions for growing our tree canopy and science-based measures to improve the health of our residents through the many benefits of trees. September 23rd, 2022 from 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
Cuyahoga County Urban Tree Canopy Grant Program: See a summary of the tree projects and funds awarded through program year 2022.
The Cleveland Tree Coalition: A community-wide collaboration to rebuild the urban forest, Cleveland Tree Coalition suggests easy ways to take action and provides a variety of resources to support their Cleveland Tree Plan.
Sherwick Tree Steward Trainings: The Western Reserve Land Conservancy provides trainings for residents to learn how to plant, care for, and maintain trees.
Cuyahoga County Climate Change Action Plan: Released in 2019, the Action Plan lays out the County’s give key focus areas and specific strategies the County is committed to achieving.
How does Cuyahoga County invite residents to learn more about the work that goes into death investigations and forensics?
Christopher Harris, External Affairs Manager, Cuyahoga County Medical Examiner’s Office
Kiki Compau, Citizens Academy participant
Cynthia Morrow, Citizens Academy participant
Dr. Thomas Gilson, Cuyahoga County Medical Examiner
Additional Resources:
Citizens Academy – Find out more about the unique and popular program run by the Cuyahoga County Medical Examiner’s Office that gives residents an inside look into forensic science disciplines used within the agency.
Cuyahoga County Medical Examiner’s Office Parentage and Identification Department – Learn about the laboratory that offers DNA paternity, maternity, and other relationship testing using the latest technology for child support and custody cases, adoption, immigration, and insurance claims.
Project Dawn – An opioid overdose education and naloxone distribution program, administered by MetroHealth. Project DAWN provides free education for people who know someone who may be at risk for opioid overdose, teaching the signs and symptoms of opioid overdose and how to respond and use naloxone as an antidote
Citizens Academy Graduates June2022
How does kinship care meet Cuyahoga County’s mandate to protect and serve children in our care?
Jeanelle Greene, adoptive mother and Cuyahoga County employee
Amada Matei-Rosenberger, Cuyahoga County Division of Children and Family Services Social Services Supervisor
Bryan Stanton, Cuyahoga County Division of Children and Family Services Foster and Adoptive Recruitment Supervisor
Additional Resources:
Cuyahoga County Health and Human Services Foster Care and Adoption: Find out more about the steps to becoming a foster or adoptive parent, training schedules, the process for applying and more.
Ohio Resource Guide for Relatives Caring for Children: A guidebook aimed at supporting kinship and helping caregivers work effectively with the child welfare system
Jeanelle with her daughter
Clifton Bridge
Public response to the Lakefront Public Access Plan was overwhelming. We got answers to your questions and shared your thoughts for future features along the Cuyahoga County lakefront.
Michael Dever, Cuyahoga County Director of Public Works
Additional Resources:
Lakefront Public Access Plan Full Summary
Lakefront Public Access Interactive Storymap
Cuyahoga County Planning Commission Website
Lake-Clifton Connector Project Overview
It’s National Small Business Week. Cuyahoga County has a number of programs to help local entrepreneurs grow their business with financial support and advisory services. We asked some local business owners to share their experiences and their recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Kathleen Kanan, Omar’s Pizza and Mediterranean Grill, Fairview Park (:51)
Kim Pavlisin, Bubblenest Grooming LLC, Parma Heights (6:05)
Jasma Love, Jazzy Cakez, Cleveland (9:24)
Chris Hatala, Games Done Legit, Cleveland (14:22)
Paula Pascarella, The Little Gym of Shaker Heights, Shaker Heights (19:10)
County Resources:
Small Business Stabilization Fund: Learn how to be notified when the next round of grant money becomes available.
Cuyahoga County Certifications: Find out more information about the eligibility criteria and application process to become certified as a Cuyahoga County Based Business, Small Business Enterprise, Minority Business Enterprise, Women Business Enterprise, and other programs.
Supplier Registration Portal: Learn how to get register as a vendor to receive notices about bid and proposal opportunities with Cuyahoga County.
Small Business Resources Mentioned in the Podcast:
Shaker Heights Small Business Support: Newsletters, marketing opportunities, and other resources for small businesses owners and entrepreneurs in Shaker Heights.
ECDI Cleveland: Offers comprehensive services that include mentorship, training assistance, funding opportunities, and business planning and development.
City of Fairview Park: Fairview Park’s Development Department offers many services to its local business owners.
Northwest Neighborhoods CDC: Business startup assistance, networking, and more information for Cleveland’s Cudell, Detroit Shoreway, and Edgewater neighborhoods.
Featured Businesses’ Websites & Social Media Accounts:
Omar's Pizza & Mediterranean Grill
What does a long-term, comprehensive solution to increasing connectivity look like in Cuyahoga County?
Catherine Tkachyk, Cuyahoga County Chief Innovation & Performance Officer
Wanda Davis, Ashbury Senior Computer Community Center (ASC3) Executive Director
Additional Resources:
PCs for People: Recycles business electronics and provides refurbished technology to low-income households and nonprofits
The Greater Cleveland Digital Help Center: Provides connections to affordable internet service, free training, support, discounted devices and other resources. Call 216-307-6990 or visit their website.
Ashbury Senior Computer Community Center (ASC3): A digital literacy and technology training center with free computer classes and positive intergenerational initiatives

A map showing the communities in Cuyahoga County with varying tiers of unconnection.
Cuyahoga County Executive and council members announce the fourth round of proposed funding from the American Rescue Plan.
Pernel Jones Jr., County Council President
Yvonne M. Conwell, County Councilwoman Direct 7
Dale Miller, County Councilman District 2
Cuyahoga County Executive and council members announce the third round of proposed funding from the American Rescue Plan.
Pernel Jones Jr., County Council President
Sunny Simon, County Councilwoman District 11
Beulah Park
How are community partners across the County creating better access to our lakefront, and what does a water-centric future look like?
Michael Dever, Cuyahoga County Public Works Director
Kirsten Holzheimer Gail, Mayor of the City of Euclid
Brian Zimmerman, Cleveland Metroparks Chief Executive Officer
Additional Resources:
Lakefront Public Access Plan Full Summary
Lakefront Public Access Interactive Storymap
Cuyahoga County Planning Commission Website
Cuyahoga County Executive and council members announce the second round of proposed funding from the American Rescue Plan.
Pernel Jones Jr., County Council President
Yvonne M. Conwell, County Councilwoman District 7
Cuyahoga County Executive and council members announce the first round of proposed funding from the American Rescue Plan.
Pernel Jones Jr., County Council President
Cheryl Stephens, County Councilwoman District 10
Meredith M. Turner, County Councilwoman District 9
Ludlow Community Association Civil Rights Marker location
What role did Cuyahoga County play in the Civil Rights Movement, and what work is being done to preserve its significance for future generations?
Kathleen Crowther, President, Cleveland Restoration Society
Dr. Donne Whyte, Scholar, Lecturer, Cleveland State University
Additional Resources:
Cleveland Restoration Society Civil Rights Trail webpage
Black History Month Blog Series
Divine Nine Celebration:
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