Due to routine maintenance, websites may be unavailable on Monday, February 17, 2025, from 6:00 AM to 11:00 PM Eastern. During this time, you may experience intermittent interruptions or find certain pages inaccessible. We apologize for any inconvenience.
First Half 2024 Real Estate Property Taxes Due February 20. View your bill. | See ways to pay.

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Cuyahoga County (CC)

County News Now Newsletter: A weekly newsletter filled with information on new services and programs, department spotlights, construction notices and other information residents want to know about.

Press Releases: Announcements and new initiatives announced by County Executive Chris Ronayne and County departments.

Division of Children and Family Services (DCFS)

Community Newsletter: A monthly newsletter providing updates on programs, services, events, and resources that promote the safety and stability of children and families and prevent abuse and neglect.

DCFS Kinship Newsletter: A periodic newsletter with news and items of interest to grandparents and other kin taking care of a relative’s child or children.

Cuyahoga Job and Family Services (CJFS)

CJFS Benefits Connection Community e-Newsletter: The CJFS Benefits Connection Community e-newsletter is a monthly publication that will feature information on agency programs and services, community events, partnerships, and much more.

Invest in Children

Invest in Children Newsletter: A periodic newsletter with news and items of interest to early childhood professionals, policy makers, advocates and civically engaged residents.

Cuyahoga County Planning Commission

Cuyahoga County Planning Commission Newsletter: A monthly newsletter with updates about agency activities and tools to help you plan a better future for your community.

Division of Senior and Adult Services (DSAS)

Senior Solutions: A quarterly newsletter that shares services and solutions for better living for older adults, caregivers and adults with disabilities.

Advocacy Update: Timely updates about current legislative initiatives and public policies that impact older adults, caregivers and adults with disabilities.

DSAS Newsletter: A monthly newsletter that shares best practices, news and events of interest to professionals and partners in the aging community.

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