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Information Technology

About Us

The Department of Information Technology provides services to support efficient operations of County departments. Our staff includes IT professionals in security, network engineering, web design and development, database, multimedia, enterprise application services, GIS, project management and business services. We support county-wide and departmental specific applications and services, and partner with departments to promote the use of technology to expand the scope, scale, and quality of services. We deliver practical solutions and promote policies to make innovation sustainable.

The Cuyahoga County Department of IT is a Cuyahoga County Executive Department as defined by:

Enterprise GIS Resources

For access to public GIS web services, geocoders, and mapping applications, please visit Cuyahoga County ArcGIS Online.

Visit our ArcGIS Open Data page to use shared GIS data and access additional local, state and national GIS resources.

For questions regarding Cuyahoga Enterprise GIS services, direct access to the REST endpoint, or to download our data through an FTP server, please email: gis@cuyahogacounty.us.

Security Education and Resources

Cuyahoga County Office of Security and Research has various cybersecurity resources and information for citizens, businesses, and government. To report a scam, visit Cuyahoga County Scam Squad

Contact Us

Andy Johnson
Chief Information Officer
(216) 443-8010

Jeremy Mio
Interim Deputy Chief Technology Officer
(216) 443-8106

Support Desk 
(216) 443-8007

Submit a public records request


Cuyahoga County Administrative Headquarters
2079 East Ninth Street - 6th Floor
Cleveland, OH 44115


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