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Classification and Compensation FAQs

Classification & Compensation FAQs

Who maintains and develops the Classification and Compensation system?
What is the purpose of a Classification Specification update?
What are the types of classification studies are being conducted?
What is the comprehensive position questionnaire (CPQ) being used for?
Who needs to sign the CPQ?
How was I chosen to fill out a CPQ/who requested me fill out the CPQ?
Will there be adjustments made to the classification pay range?
Will there be adjustments made to the individual’s salary?
How long does it take to conduct a classification study?
If I do not agree with a newly created classification or revisions to my current classification is there an appeals process?
What is the contact information?

Additional Resources

For further reading on Cuyahoga County’s policies regarding Classification and Compensation, please see Sections 303 (Civil Service Plan) and 305 (Cuyahoga County Non-Bargaining Classification Plan) of the Cuyahoga County Code.

For complete details, please see Section 6 in the PRC Administrative Rules.



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