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Administrative Rules

As adopted by County Council and codified in the Cuyahoga County Administrative Code R2016-0001.

Download a PDF of the Administrative Rules.


Section 1: Definitions

1.01 Definitions

Section 2: General Provisions

2.01 Origin
2.02 Relationship to Collective Bargaining Agreements
2.03 PRC Merit Principles
2.04 Construction
2.05 Savings Clause

Section 3: Powers and Duties of the Commission

3.01 Authority
3.02 Jurisdiction
3.03 Classification Plans
3.04 Civil Service Testing
3.05 County Human Resources Policies and Systems
3.06 Subpoena Powers
3.07 Ethics
3.08 Compliance

Section 4: Meetings

4.01 Public Meetings
4.02 Notice
4.03 Quorum
4.04 Executive Session
4.05 Minutes

Section 5: Rule-Making

5.01 Rule-Making Procedure

Section 6: Classification and Compensation Plans

6.01 Classification Plan
6.02 Competitive and Noncompetitive Classes
6.03 Compensation Plan
6.04 Modifications to the Classification and Compensation Plans
6.05 Unclassified Service
6.06 Civil Service Status Reports

Section 7: Announcements and Applications

7.01 Examination Announcement
7.02 Applications
7.03 Rejection of Applicants
7.04 Accommodation
7.05 Equal Employment Opportunity

Section 8: Examinations

8.01 Character of Examination
8.02 Scheduling of Examination
8.03 Contents of Examination
8.04 Identity of Examinee Concealed
8.05 Fraud in Examinations
8.06 Method of Grading
8.07 Credit for Military (Uniformed) Service
8.08 Examination Records
8.09 Notice of Results
8.10 Noncompetitive Examinations
8.11 Reexamination Policy

Section 9: Eligibility Lists

9.01 Posting of Lists
9.02 Duration of Lists
9.03 Ranking Tied Grades
9.04 Candidate Contact Information
9.05 Removal from List
9.06 Creation by Noncompetitive Examination
9.07 Sharing Eligibility Lists across Appointing Authorities

Section 10: Certification

10.01 Certification Request
10.02 Number of Names to be Certified
10.03 Merging New Names into an Existing Eligibility List
10.04 Certification Not More Than Three Times

Section 11: Appointments

11.01 Original Appointments
11.02 Temporary Appointments

Section 12: Employment Actions

12.01 Notice Requirements
12.02 Laches
12.03 Merger and Bar
12.04 Inquiries

Section 13: Appellate Procedure

13.01 Manner of Filing Appeals
13.02 Time for Filing Appeals
13.03 Preliminary Jurisdictional Review
13.04 Hearings
13.05 Decisions of the Personnel Review Commission
13.06 Appeals to the Court of Common Pleas



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