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Initial Appeal Form


The appeal must be presented to the PRC by submission through this webpage, in person, via U.S. mail to 9830 Lorain Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44102, by email,, or via fax (216) 443-3694. Please retain a copy of this notice for your personal records.

Download a pdf of the Initial Appeal Form.

Details regarding the appeal process can be found on the Administrative Rules (Section 13) page.


Appellant: The employee (or former employee) who is filing the appeal.

Classification: For purposes of this form, the term “classification” is the title of the position you hold (or held) at the County.

HR Director: The Director of the Cuyahoga County Human Resources Department as appointed by the County Executive.

FLSA Exempt and Non- Exempt: The status of the position you hold (or held) at the county in terms of whether it was exempt from the overtime regulations of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). If you do not know whether the position you hold (or held) was exempt or non-exempt, please contact the County’s Human Resources Department. This status affects your appeal rights.

Reduction in Pay: An action that diminishes an employee’s pay. The ending of supplemental pay shall not be considered a reduction.

Reduction in Position: An action that diminishes an employee’s duties or responsibilities to the extent an audit of the employee’s position would result in a reclassification to a classification assigned a lower pay grade.


Appellant Information

Is email an acceptable way to contact you in the appeal process?

Appellant Attorney (if applicable)

Notice of Appeal

Notice is hereby given that the Appellant is appealing to the Cuyahoga County Personnel Review Commission from the Order or Notice of:

Order or Notice

Copy of Order or Notice must be attached to this form.

Upload Evidence:



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