Make a Whistleblower Complaint
We want to hear from you! If you have information concerning fraud, waste, abuse, or any ethics violation within Cuyahoga County government, please file a Whistleblower Complaint with the AIG. Reporting is easy and mandatory for County employees, elected officials and board members who know of an ethics violation.
Let us know what you know. In addition to the misconduct and those involved, it is helpful to know which agency is involved, when the wrongdoing occurred, whether there were other witnesses, and any other pertinent information. You may choose to remain anonymous, however it may be difficult to verify the information provided or ask additional questions.
Make a Whistleblower Complaint to the AIG in any of the following ways:
- Whistleblower Hotline: 216-698-2999
- AIG Main Line: 216-698-2101
- Email:
- Fax: 216-698-2218
- In Person: Administrative Headquarters, 6th Floor
- U.S. Mail:
Cuyahoga County Agency of Inspector General
2079 East 9th Street, 6th Floor
Cleveland, Ohio 44115 - Contact an AIG Employee Directly
There is no wrong way to file a Whistleblower Complaint with our office!
Whistleblower Protections
Chapter 406 in the Cuyahoga County Code provides rights and responsibilities associated with whistleblowers.