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Contractor and Lobbyist Registrations

Contractor Registration

The Cuyahoga County Code requires that Contractors doing more than $10,000 in business with the County annually must be registered with the Cuyahoga County Agency of Inspector General (“AIG”). Any person or entity that has an agreement with the County is a Contractor. It is the Contractor’s responsibility to track its annual aggregate amount of contracting with the County and register with the AIG upon reaching the $10,000 threshold. Contractor registration expires 4 years after the year of registration on December 31.

Some Contractors are exempt from registration, even if they do more than $10,000 in business with the County annually. View the Contractor Exemption Listing.

Contractors must complete the following steps to be registered with the AIG:

  1. Complete the online Registration Form, which includes the Ethics Certification Form;
  2. Pay a $100 registration fee (payment instructions are at the end of the Registration Form); and
  3. Complete the Ethics Training Video and the short Ethics Quiz that follows.

Contractor Registration Form   Registered Contractor Listing   Debarred Contractor Listing

You may email for assistance.

Lobbyist Registration

The Cuyahoga County Code requires that Lobbyists register with the AIG within 30 days of the start of their lobbying activities. A Lobbyist is any individual employed or retained by a client to contact via private written or oral communication any County elected official, employee, or board member to influence the award of County contracts, the appointment or confirmation of any individual, or the formulation, modification, or adoption of any County legislation, regulation, or policy.

Lobbyists do not include those individuals who spend less than 5% of their compensated time lobbying governmental entities on behalf of a specific client; or who perform any of the activities described in the above paragraph without compensation or solely by providing testimony at public meetings; or whose performance of such above-described actions are an incidental and insignificant portion of one’s duties.

Some Lobbyists are exempt from registration, even if they otherwise fall within the definition. View the Approved Lobbyist Exemptions.

Lobbyists must complete the following steps to be registered with the AIG:

  1. Submit a completed Lobbyist Registration Form, which includes the Ethics Certification Form;
  2. Pay a $100 registration fee (payment instructions are at the end of the Registration Form); and
  3. Complete the Ethics Training Video and the short Ethics Quiz that follows.

Lobbyist Registration Form   Registered Lobbyist Listing

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