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Why Choose Cuyahoga County?

Cuyahoga County is enjoying a resurgence in national attention for its central location, strong higher education system, diverse economic and employer ecosystem, healthcare capital, and nationally-recognized arts and cultural institutions. This attention resulted in the region being selected as the host for the 2016 Republican National Convention and ranking as a top ten region for millennials.

busy street with people and restaurants

Cuyahoga County is home to 1.2 million people and is comprised of 59 unique and distinctive communities with Cleveland as its nucleus. Cleveland is booming right now thanks to the “fifth migration,” tied for eighth in the country (along with Miami and Seattle) for the increase in the number of college-educated millennial residents. 

Cuyahoga County knows that innovation is the life blood of any healthy economy. The County is leading in facilitating and accelerating innovation development in order to create an environment conducive to invention and innovation. We are committed to supporting entrepreneurship to drive growth and to create opportunities for microenterprises, minority-owned businesses, and assist underserved neighborhoods.

Life after work is good, too. Our civic institutions – the hospitals, libraries, orchestra, park systems and museums – are perennially ranked among the best in the world. Home to Lake Erie and 18 reservations collectively known as the Cleveland Metroparks, there is no shortage of natural beauty in Cuyahoga County. We are also home to four professional sports teams and have the second-largest theatre district in the country. We eat well at dozens of award-winning local restaurants and entertain ourselves at clubs and music venues of all shapes and sizes.

big sign that reads Playhouse Square

Learn more about why you should be in Cuyahoga County:

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