Forecast of Purchasing and Contracting Opportunities
Cuyahoga County’s purchasing and contracting forecast provides details on contracting and purchasing opportunities for a 24-month period. It will be updated each year by January 1 and July 1.
This forecast:
- Enhances competition by helping vendors learn about potential prime contracting opportunities early in the process.
- Provides advance notice to enhance participation by small business enterprises (SBEs), minority business enterprises (MBEs), and women business enterprises (WBEs).
Access the forecast for the upcoming 24-month period by downloading the file below.
Forecast Column Header Definitions:
- Primary Department: Name of the primary department/agency for the goods/services being procured.
- Department (more specific): Name of lead user department/agency for the goods/services being procured. Larger agencies are often comprised of several smaller departments and/or offices.
- Brief Description: Brief summary of the goods/services being procured.
- Estimated Amount: Estimated cost range for the goods/services being procured.
- Anticipated Solicitation Period: Anticipated time period (year and quarter) during which the County will solicit/advertise for bids, proposals, or qualifications for the goods/services.
- Length of Performance: Anticipated time period during which the goods/services are required.
- Procurement Method: The proposed process that will be utilized to acquire the goods/services. Please note: RFB = Request for Bids, RFP = Request for Proposals and RFQ = Request for Qualifications.
- SBE Set Aside: Preliminary determination as to whether the good/services will be procured using the SBE (Small Business Enterprise) Set Aside Program. For the SBE Set Aside Program, County certified SBEs compete against each other for the award of the purchase order/contract for the pertinent goods/services.
- Category: Overall category for the goods/services being procured.
Background Information
On January 7, 2021, Cuyahoga County Executive Armond Budish issued Executive Order No. EO2021-0002 directing the compilation and posting of a forecast of purchasing and contracting opportunities.
Interested parties should monitor the Cuyahoga County purchasing website and INFOR Supplier Portal for specific information on current purchasing and contracting opportunities.
The Cuyahoga County Forecast of Purchasing and Contracting Opportunities (“Forecast”) is for planning purposes only. The Forecast is not a commitment by Cuyahoga County to purchase any of the goods and/or services included in the Forecast. Cuyahoga County expressly reserves its right, at any time, to delay, revise, and/or cancel any projected purchase(s) or contract(s) listed in the Forecast.