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Resources for Retailers

The State of Ohio preempted the County’s Disposable Bag Ban, therefore the County is not enforcing it at this time. Instead, the County is seeking voluntary compliance from retailers. The Sustainable Stores Program was created to support retailers’ efforts to eliminate plastic checkout bags from their operations while educating consumers about retailers who are taking this important step to reduce plastic waste. 

Why should retailers reduce plastic bag usage?

  • Customers favor it. In a 2019 survey of Cuyahoga County shoppers, 72% were in favor of a plastic bag ban.
  • Join a growing sustainability movement. Many retailers that have taken steps to eliminate plastic bags at checkout counters view it as a benefit to their brand and another demonstration of how they care for their customers and community.
  • Save on overhead costs. Reduce overall use – and costs – for plastic checkout bags by encouraging customers to bring their own reusable bags.
  • Help protect Lake Erie and our communities. By working to create neighborhoods and waterways free from plastic bag litter and chemicals, you are protecting our most valuable resources and ensuring that we as a region are economically competitive, healthy, and thriving.

Helping your store transition:

  • Post “Remember Your Bags” signs on the front door/window and/or in the parking lot.
  • Sell reusable woven bags (rated for a minimum of 75 uses that can carry 18 pounds) near the checkout.
  • Provide an incentive for customers to bring their own bags. Visit the Communications Toolkit for resources and ideas.
  • Utilize these quick tips to at the checkout:
    • If paper bags are available, ask, “do you NEED a bag?” rather than “do you WANT a bag?”
    • Thank customers for bringing in their own bags.
    • Encourage customers to use a reusable bag, which are stronger for longer trips, walking, or taking public transit.
    • Include a BYOBags flyer in store-provided paper bags.
    • Allow customers to use leftover cardboard boxes for purchases.

Interested in learning more about how to reduce and recycle other kinds of waste? Contact the Business Recycling Specialist at the Cuyahoga County Solid Waste District.

Questions? Contact Us

Department of Sustainability





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