Plastic Bag Ban
Cuyahoga County’s Disposable Bag Ban was passed by County Council in 2019, however, the State of Ohio preempted the ordinance with a “ban on bans.” Therefore, the County is not currently enforcing the ordinance. Instead, the County is seeking voluntary compliance and support from retailers and educating and empowering consumers to BYOBags.
Disposable plastic bags are a major source of pollution in our land, neighborhoods and waterways. They harm wildlife and people, impose cleanup costs on our communities, and contribute to climate change. Over 319 million plastic bags become waste each year in Cuyahoga County. A plastic bag is used for 12 minutes on average and is less durable than a reusable bag.
Cuyahoga County remains committed to eliminating single-use plastic checkout bags and encourages all consumers to bring their own bags.