Welcome to SkillUp - We Help Businesses Grow!


Cuyahoga County is invested in seeing businesses and residents grow and prosper. Ohio Means Jobs|Cleveland Cuyahoga County (OMJ|CC) provides employers with training plan development to help offset the cost of training and upskilling your workforce and connection to the County’s ecosystem of business support services to keep your business growing. 


The Program


OMJ|CC is the collaborative workforce system of the City of Cleveland and Cuyahoga County that helps local employers meet their human capital needs and help job seekers and employees find success. Through programs and funding authorized by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), OMJ|CC provides a variety of services and resources to help both employers and employees and programs that can offset your costs of employee training. Work-based training options include On-the-Job, Incumbent Worker and Customized Training:

  • On-the-Job Training (OJT)
  • Incumbent Worker Training (IWT)
  • Customized Training 


Connection to Business Resources

OMJ|CC has a network of business resources and can connect you with organizations to solve other business needs as well. Many of these organizations provide technical assistance and other services free of charge!





Contact Us to Learn More

Employers interested in SkillUp can contact OMJCC directly.

Ally Gargiulo
Quality and Contracts Manager
OhioMeansJobs | Cleveland - Cuyahoga County
Office: 216-777-8205