First Half 2024 Real Estate Property Taxes Due February 20. View your bill. | See ways to pay.

Delinquent Tax Outreach (DTO)

The mission of the Delinquent Tax Outreach department is to assist property owners who owe delinquent real property taxes and help them resolve their obligation to the County.

DTO is a collaborative initiative involving the Cuyahoga County Fiscal, Treasury, and Prosecutor offices.

DTO's outreach enhances tax collection while providing superior customer service to property owners who may be in crisis and/or in jeopardy of losing their home, business, investment property, or land through a foreclosure auction or Sheriff sale.


Success Stories

"After leaving an abusive marriage, I found myself deeply in debt and on the verge of losing my house due to delinquent taxes. I called the Delinquent Tax Office praying for a miracle... After a long year of sacrifice for my children and me, we are in good standing with Cuyahoga County. Saving my house was worth the effort. I thank the county employees who worked with me, showed me kindness, and gave me the encouragement I needed to accomplish my goal." - C. Steiner

"Thank you so much to the DTO staff for your patience and understanding. You have lightened my load and brightened my future." - K. Muir

"Thank you doesn't cut it. You saved me from having to file bankruptcy and I get to keep the home my parents built in 1972. You allowed me to rebound slowly and steadily, and the county will get all of their money. It's beyond the best thing for me and my family. I am in a much better place because of you." - S. Hartman

"People like you make the world a better place. Thank you so much for the help with my house taxes. I will always be grateful." - K. Sonego

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