Cuyahoga County Councilman Dave Greenspan's Town Hall Meeting October 15th
Featuring Presentations on Several Key Issues on the November Ballot
Cleveland, OH – County Councilman Dave Greenspan announces October 15th Town Hall Meeting at Tri-C West Shore Campus, 31001 Clemens Road. Representatives will be on hand to present information on several key issues that will appear on the November ballot. The ballot issues include:
Issue 1: Ohio Bipartisan Redistricting Commission Amendment creates a bipartisan, public process for drawing legislative districts (Speaker: State Representative, Mike Dovilla).
Issue 2: Ohio Initiated Monopolies Amendment protects the initiative process for being used for personal economic benefit (Speaker: State Representative, Mike Dovilla).
Issue 3: Ohio Marijuana Legalization Initiative grants a monopoly for the commercial production and sale of marijuana for recreational and medicinal purposes (Speaker: ResponsibleOhio, Neil Clark).
Issue 8: Proposed Extension of Excise Tax on Cigarettes for Cuyahoga Arts and Culture for the purpose of making grants to support operating or capital expenses of arts or cultural organizations in Cuyahoga County (Speaker: Arts & Culture Action Committee, Chris Galloway).
Issue 9: Proposed Charter Amendment (County of Cuyahoga) Shall Article XI, Section 11.01 of the Charter of the County of Cuyahoga be amended to ensure the independence of the county’s auditing function by providing that the County Audit Committee consist of the President of Council or a member of Council appointed by the President of Council, four residents of the county with experience in the field of auditing, accounting, government operations, or financial reporting who are to be appointed by the County Executive and confirmed by Council, with the County Executive and Fiscal Officer each serving as non-voting, ex officio members (Speaker: County Councilman, Dale Miller)
A special thanks to Tri-C (West Shore) for hosting this event.
WHAT: County Councilman Dave Greenspan’s Town Hall Meeting
WHEN: Thursday, October 15, 2015 at 7 pm
WHERE: Cuyahoga County College, West Shore Campus
31001 Clemens Road, Westlake, Ohio 44145.