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Property Research


Record as much information as possible to accurately trace the property because dimensions, street names, property descriptions, and the like change throughout the years. The more details you provide, the better and quicker your results.


To research property in person at the Archives an appointment is required.

Request an appointment


The Fiscal Office has a database available online to research official records.

Search database

1. What you need to start

To begin your property search please have either or both the street address and the parcel number.

2. Where can I find this information?

  • Parcel number can be found on a deed, a tax bill, or a reappraisal notice.

  • Deeds and additional ownership documentation (circa 1810 to present) is available online or in person at the Recorder's Office, located on the 4th floor of the Cuyahoga County Administration Building.

  • Original map volumes
    • Circa 1860-1945, available at the Cuyahoga County Archives.
    • Circa 1945 to present, available in the Fiscal Office Map Room or by calling 216-443-7020.
  • Tax records
    • Circa 1819-1986 are held in the Cuyahoga County Archives.
    • Circa 1987 to present are available online or by calling 216-443-7300 .

3. Maps

Note if a small box or outline of a building is shown on the property because this denotes that a building stood on the property in the years the map covers.

  • You can obtain the names of property owners from historical maps or records.
  • Then cross reference those names with tax duplicates to track changes in property values. Significant increases in these values suggest construction dates.

Check the following places for properties:

  • Located in the City of Cleveland:
    • Several volumes of maps, dated 1870, 1880, 1890.
    • Atlases for documentation of structures on the property during those years.

  • Located in the suburbs:
    • Atlases of Cuyahoga County for 1852, 1874, 1892, and 1903.
    • Tax maps dated 1860,1870,1880, and 1890 for ownership listings and for documentation of structures on the property during those years.

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