Chapter 708: Cuyahoga County 9-1-1 Consolidation Shared Services Fund
Section 708.01 Cuyahoga County 9-1-1 Consolidation Shared Services Fund
There is hereby created the Cuyahoga County 9-1-1 Consolidation Shared Services Fund to support communities in consolidating their 9-1-1 Public Safety Answering Points, called dispatch centers; operate their dispatch centers more efficiently; and more effectively deliver public safety services.(Ordinance No. O2013-0010, Enacted 4/9/2013, Effective 4/11/2013)
Section 708.02 Review and Award
All applications to the 9-1-1 Consolidation Shared Services Fund shall be reviewed by the 9-1-1 Consolidation Shared Services Fund Review Committee for a recommendation of award. Any award recommendations by the 9-1-1 Consolidation Shared Services Fund Review Committee, regardless of monetary threshold, shall be subject to adoption by County Council.(Ordinance No. O2013-0010, Enacted 4/9/2013, Effective 4/11/2013)
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