Chapter 207: Committees
Section 207.01 Reserved.
Section 207.02 9-1-1 Consolidation Shared Services Fund Review Committee
There is hereby created a three-member Cuyahoga County 9-1-1 Consolidation Shared Services Fund Review Committee consisting of the Cuyahoga County Council President or his/her designee and two appointees by the Cuyahoga County Executive. The Committee shall be responsible for determining all eligibility and application requirements. The Committee shall perform all acts delegated to it under the Cuyahoga County Code, and it shall observe the County’s Open Meeting requirements in so doing.(Ordinance No. O2013-0010, Enacted 4/9/2013, Effective 4/11/2013)
Section 207.03 Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Committee
A. There is hereby established a Cuyahoga County Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Committee to provide advice and recommendations regarding Cuyahoga County’s diversity and inclusion programs and initiatives. The committee shall submit its advice and recommendation to the Director of the Department of Equity and Inclusion. The committee shall consist of the following members:
- One representative appointed by the County Executive;
- One representative from County Council appointed by the President of Council;
- One representative of the Greater Cleveland Partnership’s Commission on Economic Inclusion jointly appointed by the County Executive and the President of Council;
- One representative of the Urban League of Greater Cleveland jointly appointed by the County Executive and the President of Council;
- One representative of the Hispanic Roundtable Community Programs jointly appointed by the County Executive and the President of Council;
- One representative of the Cleveland Building and Construction Trade Council jointly appointed by the County Executive and the President of Council;
- One representative of the Construction Employers Association jointly appointed by the County Executive and the President of Council; and
- Two other representatives jointly appointed by the County Executive and the President of Council
B. Appointments to the Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Committee shall be for a term of two years. The Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Committee shall elect its own chairperson.
(Clerks Note: Previous Section 207.03 College Program Savings
Account Committee was repealed by Ordinance No. O2015-0008 on 6/9/2015)
(Ordinance Nos. O2021-0008, Enacted 5/25/2021, Effective 5/25/2021; O2016-0006, Enacted 4/26/2016, Effective 5/27/2016)
Section 207.04 Technical Advisory Committee
Under the direction of the Chief Information Officer, there shall be a Technical Advisory Committee (“TAC”), whose membership shall consist of the major service areas of the County of Cuyahoga as determined by the Chief Information Officer, including a representative of the Cuyahoga County Board of Elections, a representative of the Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Court and a representative of the Cuyahoga County Prosecutor. The TAC shall provide input into the determination of information technology standards and procurement.(Ordinance No. O2012-0012, Enacted 6/12/2012, Effective 6/14/2012)