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Chapter 110: Electronic Delivery and Execution of Legislation, Contracts, and other Instruments and Documents

Section 110.01: Electronic Delivery and Execution of Legislation

A. Electronic Delivery and Execution. The presiding officer of Council who is required by Section 3.10(5) of the County Charter to sign each resolution and/or ordinance after its adoption by Council and the County Executive are hereby authorized and may elect to sign resolutions and ordinances by use of electronic signatures. The Clerk of Council is authorized to present resolutions and ordinances to the County Executive for approval or disapproval by electronic transmission and to sign by electronic signatures with regard to legislation. The County Executive is authorized to use electronic signatures and transmission to approve or disapprove any item presented to the Executive and to return it to the Council, including any objections under Section 3.10(6) of the County Charter, via electronic transmission.

B. Effect of Electronic Delivery and Execution. The effect of an electronic signature affixed on a resolution or ordinance by the presiding officer of Council or his or her authorized designee shall be to fulfill the signature requirements contained Section 3.10(5) of the County Charter. The effect of the electronic transmission of a resolution or ordinance by the Clerk of Council or his or her authorized designee to the County Executive for approval or disapproval shall be to fulfill the requirement of Section 3.10(5) of the County Charter. The effect of an electronic signature affixed on a resolution or ordinance by the County Executive or his or her authorized designee for the purpose of approving a resolution or ordinance shall be to fulfill the signature requirement contained in Section 3.10(6) of the County Charter. The effect of the electronic transmission by the Executive or his or her authorized designee of the Executive's written objections to resolutions or ordinances shall fulfill the transmission requirements for disapproving resolutions and ordinances contained in Section 3.10(6) of the County Charter.

(Ordinance No. O2014-0015, Enacted 6/10/2014, Effective 7/16/2014)

Section 110.02: Electronic Execution of Contracts, Instruments, and other Documents

The County Executive or his or her authorized designee may execute any contract, agreement, amendment, or any other legal instrument or document, including, but not limited to, documents and instruments for the issuance of bonds and public debt, using electronic signatures.

(Ordinance No. O2014-0015, Enacted 6/10/2014, Effective 7/16/2014)

Section 110.03: Procedures and Requirements for Electronic Delivery and Signatures

A. Procedures for Electronic Delivery and Execution of Legislation. The Department of Information Technology shall be responsible for developing and, as may be necessary, amending the manner, format, and security procedures governing the electronic delivery and execution of resolutions and ordinances, which shall be subject to the approval of the Director of Law. Upon being approved by the Director of Law, the procedures and any amendments shall be posted on the County's web site, with copies delivered via electronic mail to the County Executive, Council President, and their respective chiefs of staff. The County Executive or Council President may object to the proposed procedures or amendments within seven calendar days of their electronic receipt of the procedures by submitting the objections to the Director of Law via electronic mail. If the Director of Law does not receive objections from either the County Executive or the Council President within the seven day period, the procedures or amendments shall go into effect on the eighth day of being posted online and submitted to the Executive and Council President.

B. Procedures for Electronic Execution of Contracts, Agreements, Instruments, and Other Documents. The Department of Information Technology and the Department of Purchasing shall be responsible for developing and, as may be necessary, amending the manner, format, and security procedures for the electronic delivery and execution of contracts, agreements, instruments, and other documents other than legislation. These procedures shall be subject to the approval of the Director of Law and may go into effect as directed by the Director of Law.

(Ordinance Nos. O2021-0008, Enacted 5/25/2021, Effective 5/25/2021; O2014-0015, Enacted 6/10/2014, Effective 7/16/2014)

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